Whenever I see the word "nine", it takes me back to the old hippie days, and the Beatles. One of their songs had a refrain that repeated "number nine, number nine" over and over. Why does this stick out in my memory?
Who knows?!
When I remember the old hippie days, though, I'm back in Cali, on Venice Beach. That was my home for a chunk of time. I'm watching those early morning waves that roll in to kiss the sand, everything so golden in the early morning sunlight. The light of the sun strikes facets in the waves, like diamonds and I feel incredibly lucky, or blessed, to be a witness to that transformation.
I wonder if I, too, am golden or diamond in the magick of the morning.
Only the sea-birds are there with me and they aren't telling.
This memory warms me this chilly, damp November morning. This is November the way it's supposed to be and I am loving it. Time to get on with my papers; I have TWO long papers that must be submitted before mid-night on Tuesday.
This is no time for introspection.
It's Show Time, folks.
Kat - you definitely have a way with words!! Sounds like you miss Cali! I have enjoyed reading your blog. I have also enjoyed being in class with you. Maybe we will have another class together. GOOD LUCK in this class, your other class and you future classes!
I love your post, it made me laugh. After the week I had I need it. Thanks and good luck on your paper. We all have come a long way and learn a lot.