Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hey Universe!

Be careful what you ask for; you just might get it.
So, yesterday I said "maybe it will rain." Today my area is under a flash-flood watch. So Universe, here's my question to you: why does this not translate to the money I ask for? Oh, I am very grateful for all that I have; I know that I am blessed and highly favored. But my utility bill is kicking my rear end, not to mention school and clothes and grandkids' birthdays. And, the "living foods" diet (also known as raw) ain't cheap by any stretch of the imagination.Yet, all these things have to be done, all bills paid, all grandkids smiling and happy, all raggedy clothes replaced. And for me, living foods is the only way to dine!!
So, Universe, nudge, nudge...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

what the bleep....?

OK. I'm in again. Feel like the red queen in Alice through the Looking Glass. For all you not-baby-boomers, that's Carroll's other take on Alice in Wonderland. Very trippy. That's where the Jabberwocky lives.
I digress...
The red queen told Alice that you have to run as fast as you can just to stay in one place.
That's me!!!!
My track shoes are wearing thin and I could use a bottle of water, with electrolytes.
Maybe it will rain.

Monday, September 27, 2010

rainy day, dream away....

My first blog for school! Took forever. I love all the new, efficient technology designed to make things easier and faster. Not.