Here I am in unit eight, wondering how I ever referred to myself as a writer!! My first draft is a disaster; I see some of the errors, especially the technical ones. Some of the other errors I just haven't figured out yet.
I will prevail, though. I am a writer.
I have to learn to be a technical writer. Thanks to all my classmates and to my professor for helping me in this journey.
Writing poetry is a whole lot easier! My poetry writes ME; I'm merely the conduit for the words to appear on paper. Some of the poetry is, well, I won't get into that! Some of the poetry is very well received, thank you very much. Some has even made its way into print. The first time I ever read my stuff, I did it in a venue that often has poetry slams and I am NOT a slam writer. I hadn't performed for years and was not ready. Other people were practicing, reciting their work from memory; I don't remember my work once it leaves my hand. So, I tried to quickly review my work and commit it to memory.
They called me up first.
What a fiasco!!
I stumbled and bumbled my way through the first couple of sentences. Some kind person called out "just read it." I pulled out my paper to read it and realized that I couldn't SEE the words without my glasses! The music started playing. You know- the "get off the stage" music. I yelled out "stop playing that music! I'm gonna DO THIS!" And, I got through it.
The next time I read, some months later, I got a standing ovation. One woman was in tears. THAT'S the kind of writing I can do!
So, I will get the hang of this technical writing.
I promise.
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