Friday, October 8, 2010

I'm back!

The world is a beautiful place and the people in it, or on it, amaze me more every day. I went out early, though not as early as I had planned, this morning to the National Mall to help with the set-up for a prayer vigil being conducted by the Thirteen Grandmothers. If you are not familiar with them go to and check them out. They are being hosted here by Turtle Women Rising ( for four days of drumming and praying. 
 This morning was rain-washed clean and clear; the temperature was just the right amount of Fall frosty, really just a hint of the cool weather to come. The sound of the drums lead me directly to the spot, better than any G.P.S.  
At the entrance to the sacred circle, I was smudged and welcomed in. The smell of the fire combined with the smudge to make my spirit feel right at home.
The drumbeat will continue for the entire four days, straight through the nights as an unbroken thread, weaving us all together. I did a bit of drumming and will be back to the drums before its all over.
Here's a quote from the Turtle Women:
"We feel, hear, and see the heartbeat of the drum making connections all over the world; calling out to the women, men and children to consciously hold the energy of Peace. Peace cannot be given; it must be created in the hearts of the living. We cannot demand Peace; we can only become it. We cannot fight for Peace; we can only live it. We take only a stance of being for Peace; we promote the erasing of lines that separate us all."
To me, this is sanity.

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